The site was designed by the Ursa Gamma Design Solutions group, and encoded by AL2Fenrir and Ursa Gamma. The site is a non-profit site. We don't get paid for writing (save for the ads) but we thought it's worthwhile to write something up to help our fellow nurses both home and abroad, and hope that maybe, we'll also get our chances to be recognized.
The Staff
Ursa Gamma
Site Administrator
Editor-in-chief, Site Manager
Anthony Y. a.k.a. AL2Fenrir
HTML/XML/XHTML Encoder and Webdesigner, Writer, and Assistant Site Manager
BSN Grad
Writer, Researcher, Assistant Site Manager
Jither Jade M.
Site Contributor
Jet 5
PNLE Webmaster, Site Contributor
BSN Grad

Honeyle S.
Topic Researcher
BSN Student

Lovely S.
Topic Researcher
Currently, we only have two writers and we are looking for more able writers working as nurses at the same time. If you are interested to join the Nursing Gazette group please drop us an email. The contact information is shown in an image below.